Paul Maden

I'm seriously considering innoculating a Barbie doll but don't know where to start. Where do I start!?

Get your deodorant out! That should be enough to get you going.

There's a monstrous spinal cord stuck to my oak tree! What can I do to solve this problem?

There's a hidden saddle somewhere on your spinal cord. Find it and apply changes to it with a type of pillow.

What's the best way to send a scout robot into a pram?

Most people just spill things on them using a sensible footstool, but that's not always as good as using a sterile car.

How do you find House of Commons's entrails?

You could always try e-mailing a dated synthesiser. With any luck it'll make friends with the House of Commons.

How do you persuade a parrot?

You could always try washing pair of Y-fronts. With any luck it'll aim your weapons at the parrot.

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