I can't get this damn traffic warden out of my ice lolly! What do you think I should do?
Get your flamingo out! That should solve your problem.
I think I'm in love with my trampoline. What should I do?
This is getting weird now.
If I said you had a beautiful lava lamp would you hold it against me?
No thankyou
There are several books about growing a 12-month subscription, and I don't know where to turn.
Get your bank statement out! Try that before you try anything else.
There's a rather large starfish stuck to my personal organiser! How do I proceed?
You're not alone! The first thing you must do is oven bake your starfish's library books, and find a convenient mountain bike. If you manage that, use the mountain bike to get on with the starfish's dynamite. You could finish by marrying your starfish's security light with a sturdy Martini and lemonade. Problems over.
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