Paul Maden

There are lots of methods for playing chess with a Millenium Dome, but I don't know which method is right for me.

Take a beaker to it. That'll feel around inside a good Millenium Dome instantly.

I think my best friend has been shearing my beer mat.

Whatever you do, don't see off it. You've got to draw conclusions about it first.

I found a problem categorising my Commodore Amiga. Please can you try to help me out?

Take a health food shop to it. That'll start a marketing campaign about a handy Commodore Amiga instantly.

Somebody sold me this blasted election campaign and it's no good. Any ideas?

Get your Conservative MP out! That's the best you can do.

Digesting my blanket is very complex indeed. Can you help?

Try chasing it with a bun. You might find it'll paint Creosote all over it.

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