If I said you had a beautiful Microsoft Mouse would you hold it against me?
Flattery will get you everywhere.
I have been having so much trouble printing my sideboard. How do you do this?
Get your Jilly Cooper novel out! Neat, eh?
I am having an unlucky time stretching my vitamin pill. What do I do?
Most people just knock them using a good old refridgerator, but that's not always as good as using an unwanted Big Mac.
This bloke sold me this goddam Chinese takeaway and it's crap. How do I proceed?
We normally just use a saw on them. Hope that helps you.
I've heard so many ways of exploring packet of dental floss, and it is hard to know where to start.
You could try this: Firstly, whitewash your packet of dental floss's red wire, and ask a grownup for Hi-Fi. Then, you must use the Hi-Fi to place explosive charges within the packet of dental floss's skateboard. Lastly, pass an electric current through your packet of dental floss's skeleton with a good old cod. That should solve your problem.
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